در ادامه برگزاری سلسله نشست‌های پژوهشی در دانشکده زبان‌های خارجی، در هفته پژوهش دانشجویان دکتری آموزش زبان انگلیسی در روز دوشنبه مورخ ۲۲/‏۰۹/‏۹۵‬ از ساعت ۱۰ الی ۱۲ در تالار غدیر دانشکده به سخنرانی پرداختند که چکیده سخنرانی هر یک در زیر آمده است. این سخنرانی‌ها با استقبال خوب اساتید و سایر دانشجویان و علاقمندان روبرو شد.

Exploring Utilization of a Telegram Group for Self-Initiated Language Learning

Masoud Ahrabi Fakhr

Department of English Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Ira

With the rapid expansion of deploying mobile instant messaging applications such as Telegram for the purpose of language learning, it is quite apparent that language research in this regard is lagging behind the trend. This study addressed the matter by exploring how language learners utilize a Telegram group for the purpose of language learning. In this regard, the activities of a Telegram language learning group with 74 active members was observed and recorded for a week. To capture the patterns of utilization of the group, a thematic analysis was conducted on the compiled corpus of approximately 45000 words gathered by recording the messages posted by the group members. The analysis indicated that the themes of utilization of the Telegram language learning group were discussing content-based topics, seeking and sharing resources, recommending conversation opportunities, sharing learning strategies, and giving corrective feedback on each other's language.  The findings of this research illustrated the potential of mobile messaging applications for creating opportunities for self-initiated and collaborative language learning.


Validity of CEFR-based Self-Assessment Questionnaires

Somaye Ketabi

Department of English Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Iran

Email: s86k@hotmail.com



Self-Assessment (SA) plays a role in promoting learners' autonomy and goal-setting skills. Therefore, the Common European Framework (CEFR) has developed a popular series of self-assessment can-do statements for different skills. However, the construct validity of these questionnaires seems to be under question (Dennis & Janssen, 2016; Fulcher, 2004). The effect of participants' characteristics, for instance, may affect the accuracy of CEFR-SA. This study examined the accuracy of Iranian university students' SAs as far as their English reading comprehension was concerned. The results of correlation and regression analyses in R statistical software showed that, except for the intermediate group, the students could not self-assess their reading comprehension accurately using the CEFR-SA questionnaire. These findings call for rigorous validation studies on CEFR-SA questionnaires, considering the effect of participants' characteristic.


ESP Teacher Education: Challenges & Prospects

S. Yahya Hejazi

Department of English Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Iran

LSP (Languages for Specific Purposes) teachers play several important roles including designing courses, researching and evaluating courses and materials, etc. Yet, little attention has been paid to their needs. In addition, there is scanty literature available on LSP teacher education. This presentation will review the recent literature on ESP (English for Specific Purposes) and EAP (English for Academic Purposes) teacher education by focusing on current central themes and LSP teachers' needs. Moreover, models of teacher education will be briefly examined with particular attention to LSP. Finally, some suggestions for further research will be offered.

Key words: English for Specific Purposes (ESP), English for Academic Purposes (EAP), teacher education, teacher needs


EFL Teachers' Perception of Task-based Language Teaching Framework


Eshrat Haghi

Department of English Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Iran



The purpose of this study is to explore EFL teachers' perceptions of task-based language teaching (TBLT) framework in Iranian context. More specifically, the study aims at finding whether teachers with different field of study, educational degree and main teaching approach have different understanding of three phases of TBLT framework. For these aims a questionnaire based on the views of three professional scholars of TBLT approach namely Ellis (2006), Willis (1996) and Skehan (1996) was developed and distributed among 136 Iranian English language Teachers. Results of the Chi-square and One-way ANOVA tests indicated that teachers with different field of study and main teaching approach are different in understanding three phases of TBLT approach. It was concluded that these two factors play a significant role in true understanding of TBLT framework.

Key words: TBLT framework, teachers' perceptions, field of study, educational degree, main teaching approach.


(Working) Memory and Sentence Processing

Mohammad Mehdi Bahrami

Department of English Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Iran

Examining the role of language processing can provide profound insights into language acquisition and learning. In such investigations, the processing behind an answer is usually more important than whether the correct answer is given. Therefore, some psycholinguists delve into sentence processing. This presentation deals with the problem of explaining first language (L1) and second language (L2) differences in online sentence processing. Some findings in the literature suggest different parsing mechanisms at work in L1 and L2, while some other studies take continuity approaches and explain L1/L2 differences in terms of capacity-based limitations, i.e., working memory capacity. Recently, however, the ability to retrieve information constructed during sentence processing from memory has been proposed as a primary source of L1/L2 parsing differences.


Discourse Markers in EFL conversation: the relation between proficiency in English and the use of Discourse Markers

Farideh Khoshdel

Department of English Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Ira



Schiffrin (1987) views discourse markers from a social perspectives and defines them as "sequentially dependent elements which bracket units of talk (Schiffrin 1987:31). Schiffrin (2006) stated that "discourse markers are small words and phrases that indicate how what someone is about to say fits into what has already been said and into what they are about to say next." Due to the importance of discourse markers in our everyday communication, the present study investigated the relationship between proficiency in English and the use of discourse markers in EFL conversation. 2 intact classes of different levels (1 intermediate and 1 advanced) were selected for this study. The participants of the study were EFL speakers with different levels of English language proficiency, ages and genders. The data for the study was triangulated through conversations with these learners and observation different classes. The result of the study showed that proficiency has a significant effect on the use of discourse markers in EFL conversation; in addition there was a significant relationship between proficiency and frequency of discourse markers use. However, further analysis revealed that age and gender had no effect on the use of discourse markers.


Key words: Communication, Discourse Markers, EFL Learners, Proficiency