Fatemeh Asgari

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-14

Fatemeh Asgari

Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures / زبان ها و ادبيات رومانس

Journal Paper

  1. "Dante's footsteps in the novel The Moon and the Bonfire by Cesare Pavese"
    Fatemeh Asgari
    Research in Contemporary World Literature, Vol. 29, No 2, 2024
  2. "L'utilizzo di testo letterario e cinema di adattamento nella didattica della competenza interculturale delle lingue"
    Fatemeh Asgari
    Journal of Foreign Language Research, Vol. 12, No 2, pp.170-154, 2022
  3. "Analysis and study of elements and artistic images of nature in the poems of Saadi and Petrarch with emphasis on illustrated copies"
    Ashraf Alsadat Ashrafi, Mohammadreza Asad, Fatemeh Asgari
    Literary Aesthetics, Vol. 12, No 48, 2021
  4. "Intercultural approach in Italian language teaching programs. Case to be examined: short time language courses in Italy."
    Fatemeh Asgari
    Journal of Foreign Language Research, Vol. 11, No 2, pp.311-335, 2021
  5. "A study on the Nature presented in the poems by Saadi and Petrarch's sonnets"
    Fatemeh Asgari, Ashraf Alsadat Ashrafi, Mohammadreza Asad, Mohsen Isadyad
    The Specialized Biannual Journal The Language and Culture of Nations, Vol. 4, No 7, pp.11-38, 2021
  6. "Sessant'anni di Dante in Iran"
    Fatemeh Asgari
  7. "A critical study on “The Anthology of great Italian poets of the nineteenth century” by Amanollah Mohajer Irvani"
    Fatemeh Asgari
    Book Review Journal of foreign language, Vol. 3, No 1, 2020
  8. "Insomnia and sleep and dreams in the poems of Saadi and Petrarca"
    Fatemeh Asgari, Ashraf Alsadat Ashrafi
    Language Arts, Vol. 5, No 2, pp.31-48, 2020
  9. "Different abilities in a language class: problems and solutions."
    Fatemeh Asgari
    Journal of Foreign Language Research, Vol. 9, 2020
  10. "Volto di amata, Volto di amato: la "visio beatifica" nei Canzonieri di Petrarca e di Hafez"
    Fatemeh Asgari
    STUDI MEDIEVALI E MODERNI, Vol. XXIII, pp.257-275, 2019
  11. "The face of beloved one, The face of God"
    Fatemeh Asgari
    STUDI MEDIEVALI E MODERNI, Vol. XXIII-2, pp.257-274, 2019
  12. "Comparative analysis between the figure of beloved in Saadi and Petrarch's lyrics."
    Fatemeh Asgari, Ashraf Alsadat Ashrafi, Mohammadreza Asad
    Jostarnameh Comparative Literature study. Yazd Islamic Azad University, Vol. 2, No 4, 2019
  13. "A critical study on "Metodi e protagonisti della Critica Letteraria" by Gino Tellini"
    Fatemeh Asgari
    Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Human Sciences, Vol. 18, No 8, pp.255-272, 2018
  14. "A critical study on the symbolic meaning of the word "sea" in Cesare Pavese's works"
    Fatemeh Asgari
    Research in Contemporary World Literature, Vol. 23, pp.139-170, 2018
  15. "A critical study on " L'alternativa. La Grammatica Italiana" by Fariba Khakpur"
    Fatemeh Asgari
    Book Review Journal of foreign language, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.101-106, 2018
  16. "Eco-Criticism and Italo Calvino: A Literature Which Serves the Environment"
    Fatemeh Asgari
    Language Arts, Vol. 3, No 1, pp.27-40, 2018
  17. "analysis of the critical study by Norberto Cacciaglia on the "Promessi Sposi" by Alessandro Manzoni"
    Fatemeh Asgari
    Critical Studies in Texts & Programs of Human Sciences, Vol. دوره 17، ویژه نامه زبان ایتالیایی, pp.1-19, 2018
  18. "Italo Svevo: The model of psychoanalytic novel in Italy of Twentieth century"
    Fatemeh Asgari
    Research in Contemporary World Literature, Vol. 21, No 2, 2017
  19. "Italo Svevo and modern novel in the Twentith Century"
    Fatemeh Asgari
    Research in Contemporary World Literature, 2016